Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tara: New York, New York Day three and four

Honestly, we have done almost the same thing for the last three days. You'd think there would be  lots to do in New York. There is. It's just you have to pay for most of it. Our days consist of:

  • waking up at 10:00
  • messing around on the internet for at least an hour
  • getting out of the house by 12:00
  • wandering around times sqaure a for a while
  • lining up in the tickets line for broadway tickets
  • having lunch (By now it's usually at least 3:30, depending on when we line up)
  • going to the Disney store
  • wandering around a little more trying to find things to do but never really suceeding
  • seeing a broadway show
That is literally what the last three days have been for us, and you know what? It's FUN. Yesterday we actually ended up buying things at the Disney store, because we're getting presents for people as well and that would be way too much to carry. We ended up with four HUGE bags of stuff between us (though we did manage to condense it down to three) and most of that was just our stuff. I won't say what I bought because that may ruin the surprise of some of the presents!

The only thing that was really different between day three and four was the shows and the places we had lunch. Day three we went to the Olive Garden again and stuffed ourselves to not quite the level that we did before, but still to quite a high level. And then we saw Catch Me if You Can which was brilliant. I highly recommend the show to anyone who enjoys the more "classic" broadway feel. I haven't seen the movie so I can't really compare it to that - Elizabeth has and says that there are a few differences, like the characterisation of both the main characters, but she still absolutely loved the show.

Day Four we went to this place called "Stardust Diner" which I have mentioned before - it was the diner we couldn't afford to go to before because we had already had lunch. It was flipping excellent. The singing waiters and waitresses were all exceptionally talented, the food was great, and the theme worked really, really well. I could really transport myself back to the 50s.

That night we saw Avenue Q, which now is an off broadway show, but started on Broadway. It was a smaller theatre, but that was the only difference really. I really loved the performance, not as good as Billy Elliot or Catch Me if You Can, but still very good. Since Avenue Q is mostly just a comedy show, there's not really a very strong plot or particularly interesting characters, some of the magic was lost on me. I know every song off by heart, and there was surprisingly little dialogue, I already knew what the jokes were going to be. There were a few physical jokes that obviously I hadn't gotten from listening to the sountrack - but even then I have watched so many recordings on youtube that I knew some of them as well.

The cast was really good... apart from the girl who played Kate Monster. Her voice was excellent, but her puppeteering was sloppy. It made Kate's story far less believable and I found myself constantly looking back to the actor for the emotion I was supposed to be getting from the puppet. All the other cast members were excellent in both singing and puppeteering, with most of them playing more than one character.

Today we don't even have to line up for tickets because we're already booked for the Lion King tonight (SO VERY EXCITED). We're not quite sure what we're going to do all day.

Bye for now!


I totally forgot to mention that yesterday we had breakfast at Tiffany's. But it wasn't really breakfast, because it was midday and we also discovered after chatting to one of the staff, that we were in the wrong tiffany's. BUT WE STILL DID IT, OKAY?

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